Met Media
4/18/18 – Senator Kagan addressed the CO Teacher Walkout protestors in support of higher pay for teachers, public school funding and PERA reform.
The Denver Post
3/18/18 – Senator Kagan’s Op-ed regarding PERA reform.
Aurora Sentinel
3/1/2018 – Senator Kagan on making sex offender registration more efficient.
The Colorado Statesman
4/25/17 — Senator Kagan supports a bipartisan bill with broad support that would finally fund our local roads and transit projects.
The Daily Sentinel
4/24/17 — Senator Kagan speaks out against an immigration bill that may violate the 4th and 10th Amendments.
The Gazette
4/24/17 — Senator Kagan opposes an immigration bill that may threaten the autonomy of Colorado law enforcement and local governments.
The Colorado Statesmen
4/11/17 — Senator Kagan opposes a vague immigration bill and sponsors a bill to protect Colorado residents from federal monitoring based on religion, ethnicity, and immigration status.
The Colorado Statesman
3/24/17 — Senator Kagan’s bill to refund defendants whose convictions were overturned and dismissed passes into law with Governor Hickenlooper’s approval.
Cañon City Daily Record News
3/24/17 — Senator Kagan’s bill to end the use of jails for mental health holds passes on to the Appropriations committee.
CBS Denver
3/16/17 – Senator Kagan’s bill to end the use of jails for mental health holds garners support from Governor John Hickenlooper.
Denver Post
3/6/17 — Senator Kagan creates a bill to strengthen the behavioral health crisis response system and end the use of jails for mental health holds.

The Durango Herald
2/23/17 – Senator Kagan stands against a bill that could potentially charge peaceful protestors with felony convictions.

The Daily Sentinel
02/18/17 – Senator Kagan speaks out against SB17-120, which would prohibit non-citizen legal immigrants from employment in Colorado law enforcement.

The Daily Sentinel
02/09/17 – Senator Kagan introduces a civil asset forfeiture reform bill to protect citizens’ property by promoting transparency and limiting intervention by federal prosecutors.

Englewood Herald
11/09/16 – Senator-elect Kagan discusses his election victory, the long campaign, and his goals for the 2017 legislative session.

Colorado Independent
6/29/16 – An overview of the race for State Senate District 26. Learn about the key differences between Rep. Kagan and his opponent.

Aurora Sentinel
3/23/16 – Rep. Kagan and Sen. Newell’s service animal bill passed the House Judiciary Committee yesterday evening with a unanimous vote. Read more about the hearing and the bill itself here.
Fox 31
3/1/16 – Rep. Kagan and Sen. Newell are working together on a proposed law that would make ‘fake’ service dogs a crime in Colorado. Learn more about HB 1308 here.
CBS Denver
2/5/16 – Rep. Kagan helps pass the End of Life Options Act out of committee. Read more about the bill here.
Colorado Watchdog
2/1/16 -Rep. Kagan talks to Watchdog about his bill to protect local government employees from retaliation when they wish to report fraud. Read about the effort here.
Steamboat Today
1/27/16 -Rep. Kagan seeks to extend whistleblower protections to Colorado’s municipal, county, and school district employees. Read about the bill here.
PBS Newshour
1/22/16 -Rep. Kagan talks about defending women’s reproductive choices. Read the story here.
Englewood Herald
1/12/16 -Rep. Kagan talks about priorities for the upcoming 2016 session. Read the Q&A in the Englewood Herald here.
The Littleton Independent
12/14/15 – Legislators talk liquor laws at Littleton Brewery. Read more about the special town hall event with Sen. Newell and Minority Leader Guzman
Times Call
4/22/15 – Representative Kagan stands up against a bill he finds too tough. Read the photo privacy bill editorial in the Longmont Times-Call here.
The Colorado Independent
4/14/15 – Representative Kagan comments on the cruelty and destructiveness of solitary confinement. Read the article on prison costs to taxpayers in The Colorado Independent
The Pueblo Chieftain
4/14/15 – Representative Kagan seeks an amendment to garner broader support on a bill on the right to record police while making an arrest. Read the article in The Pueblo Chieftain.
CBS Denver
4/6/15 – Representative Kagan warns of lack of protection from harassment in cyberbullying bill amendment.
Colorado Public Radio
4/1/15 – Representative Kagan speaks of the civilizing effects of body cameras on interaction between police and citizens. Read the Colorado Public Radio article here.
The Durango Herald
4/1/15 -Representative Kagan is open to reconsideration of bill on unlawful police orders. Click here to read the article.
The Daily Sentinel
3/31/15 -Click here to read The Daily Sentinel’s article about Representative Kagan’s police body camera bill.
The Gazette
3/31/15 -Click here to read The Gazette’s article about Representative Kagan’s police body camera bill
Colorado Independent
3/30/15 -Representative Kagan brings attention to the humiliation of the impoverished during House Chambers readings of bills. Read the quote in The Colorado Independent here.
The Colorado Statesman
3/27/15 -Click here to read Ernest Luning’s article about Representative Kagan accepting the Jewish Community Relations Council’s Legislative Appreciation Award
Daily Camera
3/24/15 -Boulder District Attorney supports Representative Kagan’s Juvenile Resentencing Bill. Click here to read the Boulder Daily Camera article.
The Colorado Statesman
3/19/15 -State Representative Daniel Kagan, D-Cherry Hills Village, has introduced a bill to set a new range of sentences for juveniles convicted of first degree murder. Read the entire article
The Colorado Independent
3/12/15 -The Colorado Independent interviews Representative Kagan on introducing his bill on body cameras. Click here to read the interview.
12/11/14 -NPR reports on Denver girls recruited by ISIS. Click here to hear the interview with Representative Kagan.
Englewood Herald
1/21/14 -Click here to read Rep. Kagan’s Op-Ed in the Engelwood Herald.
Fox 31
3/17/14 -Click here to watch Fox 31’s video of Governor Hickenlooper signing Rep. Kagan’s unanimously supported bill to keep retail marijuana from children.
Denver Post
3/11/14 -Click here to read Anthony Cotton’s article on the Judiciary Committee’s defeat of a bill that would have banned abortion in Colorado.
Fox 31
2/6/14 -Click here to read Fox 31’s Eli Stokols article about Rep. Kagan’s bill to keep Marijuana from kids.
Denver Post
12/25/13 -Click here to read Ivan Moreno on Rep. Kagan’s bill that would increase access to defense attorneys for juveniles in Colorado courts.
The Colorado Statesman
4/15/13 -Click here to read the Colorado Statesman on Rep. Kagan’s bi-partisan effort to reform the sales tax system in Colorado. HB13-1288 is the first step toward a level playing field for local businesses that compete with online and out of state
Colorado Public Radio
4/8/13 -Click here to hear Andrea Dukakis interview Rep. Kagan about the man who saved his parents from the Holocaust. He presented the story as the keynote address at the Governor’s 32nd Annual Holocaust Remembrance Program on April 9th 2013
The Denver Post
3/26/13 -Click here to read Kurtis Lee and Lynn Bartels on the defeat of HB13-1264, which would have repealed the death penalty in Colorado.
The Colorado Statesman
3/1/13 -Click here to read the Colorado Statesman on the Judiciary Committee’s passage of a framework for keeping stoned drivers off the road in Colorado, and why Rep. Kagan supported the measure.
Fox 31
2/21/13 -Click here to read Fox31 on passage of tougher DUI laws through the Judiciary Committee, and why Rep. Kagan voted for them.
Fox 31
2/20/13 -Click here to read Fox31 on Rep. Kagan’s latest bill that updates Colorado laws on immorality, keeping government out of the bedroom.
The Denver Post
2/17/13 -Click here to read Lynn Bartels on Democratic Representative’s views going into the final vote on proposed gun-control legislation.
9 News
2/15/13 -Click here to watch 9 News report on one of the regrettable aspects of controversial legislation. Thanks to all of those who have participated in this heated process without resorting to threats of violence.
The Denver Post
2/15/13 -Click here to read Kurtis Lee on the advancement of HB-1228, which will reduce the state’s financial burden from background checks relating to firearm purchases. During the debate Rep. Kagan made sure fees to individuals would remain reasonable.
2/14/13 -Click here to watch CBS Denver reporting on the advancement of Rep Kagan’s HB-1163 out of the Judiciary Committee. The bill will help provide medical exams for survivors of sexual assault.
The Denver Post
2/14/13 -Click here to read the Denver Post reports on potential ramifications from HB-1224, which would put a cap on gun magazine capacities in Colorado. Rep Kagan is determined to minimize this bill’s impact to Colorado’s economy.
The Denver Post
2/1/13 -Click here to read the Denver Post’s Tim Hoover on GOP opposition to Rep. Kagan’s bill permanently reinstating state sales tax on cigarettes.
The Denver Post
1/26/13 -Click here to read Lynn Bartels on opposition to civil unions in Colorado, and Rep. Kagan speaking out for civil rights.
The Colorado Statesman
1/18/13 -Click here to read the Colorado Statesman on some of the issues Rep. Kagan will face as Chair of the Judiciary Committee.