Track Record
Skills for Jobs Act
At the beginning of the 2012 session, both sides of the aisle proclaimed, rightly, that our number one priority must be getting Coloradans into good jobs. Daniel’s answer was the Skills For Jobs Act, which passed with bipartisan support and was signed into law by Governor Hickenlooper in April. The act aligns our training and education offerings with the 21st Century skills that businesses report they need. [HB12-1061]
Bringing 21st Century Jobs to Colorado
Daniel was the prime House sponsor, along with Rep. Summers, of a measure which helped pave the way for the establishment in Colorado of the new $440 million regional patent office. The Patent Office itself — which is funded by patent fees — is expected to employ 1,000 people. The average patent examiner earns $81,000 annually. [SJR12-008]
Closing Corporate Loopholes, Holding Government Accountable, Creating Jobs
Instead of catering to big corporations, Daniel is looking out for you. He closed corporate loopholes that benefit wealthy special interests, and passed legislation holding government accountable. He also championed legislation that is projected to create 23,000 clean energy jobs. [HB10-1001; HB10-1119; HB10-1189]
Creating Penalties on Oil Companies Not Paying Their Fair Share
Coloradans depend on vital services to protect our communities. That’s why Daniel carried legislation that cracks down on oil interests that avoid paying severance taxes. He believes that even the most powerful special interests must be held accountable. [HB10-1060]
Preserving Affordable Housing, Creating Health Care Transparency
Daniel authored landmark legislation that creates economic security for working families, by stopping speculators from pricing families out of affordable housing. He also carried legislation that makes health care providers disclose how much they charge, so that families can find the best care. [HB10-1017; HB10-1330]